James M. Oros, commonly known to most as “Mickey,” is FCI’s President. His rich and diverse background has gained him respect amongst his peers, having accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience from over 45 years of business acumen. 37 years has been in the environmental and alternative energy sector, keyed to engineering, manufacturing, and construction.
Mickey’s entrepreneurial spirit, out-of-the-box thinking, inventor/renaissance man mindset, lends his expertise quite well into the diverse disruptive technology of fuel cells and the hydrogen economy.
He often shares with others a paraphrased quote of Henry Ford: “You don’t know where you’re going, till you know where you’ve been,” and a belief that you learn the ABCs in school and the rest of the alphabet in life experiences. He had the good fortune of having been involved in many facets of the alternative technology field. These opportunities have been valuable in varied forms in his quest to find solutions to unanswered questions in a changing world.
He has actively involved himself in environmental applications throughout his career, and to his credit, is a co-inventor of several electric vehicle infrastructure and fuel cell patent applications. His quest and involvement have heralded great success in his decorated past. Mickey’s Curriculum Vitae (CV).